Mind Maps

Mind Maps "The Elements of User Experience" 

The book "The Elements of User Experience" describes the importance of defining the key points to take into account when designing a website, as five stages touch on topics that maybe many do not consider as it is the five phases: User needs , Content requeriments, Information architecture, Information design and Visual design, phases that define in each of them strategies, ideas and concepts always taking into account the needs of the user, the requirements and what we want the website to contain without losing the objectivity .

Mind Maphttps://cacoo.com/diagrams/r4uPLUh3CtxrWhv8

In the figure Mental Map "The elements of user experience" shows the phases and in it each of the key points to develop for the design of a website, such as: the importance of taking into account the user experience, know that is going to be done and that is going to be shown to the user, how this interacts with the site, to know how they behave and group according to the characteristics in matrices that the user is not going to see it but that the developers must take into account, well the requirements is based on having a good product, the scope that this will have, the good distribution of tasks in equipment, well structure the needs that are going to cover, the design of the interface, the ease that the user will have at the time of interacting with the site. Define the structure of the contents, must be current, well defined, reliable and striking in such a way that it captures user information. This is simply that when defining a project such as a website, it is necessary to define the objective, work methodology, scope, tools and human resource needed among other necessary and important factors to achieve the success of the project. product.

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